Daring Cooks

15 Apr

I have officially been accepted into the Daring Cooks 😀 Soooo excited! Now the fun can really begin. Since today is Orthodox Easter and I will be spending most of the day with my family, I won’t have the time (or the energy) to cook. But next week I’ll definitely start posting up recipes, and on the 14th of next month I will post up my first Daring Cooks challenge. Now just to get into the Daring Bakers and we’ll really have a party on all of the cheat days… hehehe

By the way, for those of you who are interested about the Daring Cooks/Bakers challenges, here’s the site! You can try it out for yourselves as well. Enjoy! 😉

Sweet Beginnings

15 Apr

Hey guys! This is the first time I’ve ever done any kind of blogging, so bear with me here. I guess this is when I tell everyone a little bit about myself and explain what this blog really is about, huh? Well my name is Anna and I am a former figure skater that recently turned to Latin Ballroom dancing. However, I’m somewhat of a walking contradiction because, while both sports place a tremendous importance on physical appearance (in terms of staying fit), one of my biggest hobbies ever is to bake. No, I’m not talking about the kind of baking that stoners are accustomed to… But the kind of baking that results in heart-attack-inducing, scrumptuously satisfying goodies that will make any athlete want to deny former calorie counts just to get a taste. In fact, this predicament is so dangerous that as soon as I stopped skating I put on about 20 pounds and gained a deeper understanding of what it takes for “normal” people to truly stay in shape. Now with my dancing under way, I definitely need to get back to where I was when I used to train consistently. This is where the blog comes in–the reason that I named it Tasteful Transformations is that I want to transform myself into a healthier, more toned version of me–and I want to allow all those of you who are interested to join me. Every week, I will be putting up recipes of food favorites that are transformed to fit a healthier lifestyle without depleting the taste. Twice a month, I will have a cheat-day post with a review of a recipe from dares submitted by “The Daring Kitchen”–towards the middle of the month this will include a cooking recipe, and towards the end it will be a baking recipe. I encourage all those of you who are interested to join me. We may be hundreds or thousands of miles apart, but if there is one thing I’ve learned at my own expense, it is that any transformation you are set to make is easier when someone is right there with you. So get ready to burn off those extra pounds with a bit of taste, because there’s nothing sweeter than reaching a goal you once thought to be completely unreachable 🙂